Good morning, everyone,

You may have noticed (I hope you did!) that South x Southeast Magazine took a little bit of a rest the last 10 months. Sometimes life does that to you, no?

But, we’re back. And we have a whole lot to show you and to say!

The Big Fall Issue will be out for October and November.

And, we’re calling for submissions for the following:



What short-term or long-term projects do you have in the works? Tell us about it – or, better yet, show us what’s going on.


Published lately? Getting ready to? Send us a link.


Be nice to gallerists. It’s an expensive and hard row to hoe (as we say down here) for gallerists these days. So many have been shuttered and we’re gonna miss them.

That said, if you’re having a show we want to know about it! Tell us and show us, please.

And whatever else I may have missed in the photo world.

Query with the subject line Big Fall Issue.

Thanks, and I hope to see you soon!
