This Workshop lets you explore two of Earth’s most diverse eco-systems: the Okefenokee Swamp, and Cumberland Island National Seashore – both as pristine as they were thousands of years ago. We will also spend a morning shooting in the historic coastal village of St. Marys.
The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse, when the moon turns orange-red, will occur on March 14th. We will be on the prairie in the Okefenokee for the early part of the evening and at a different locale for the 3am full eclipse
Please join us for photographing, boating, night-shooting, birding, critiquing, and walking through history.
LImited to 8 students
Go HERE for more information and to reserve your spot.

Nancy McCrary
Nancy is the Publisher and Founding Editor of South x Southeast photomagazine. She is also the Director of South x Southeast Workshops, and Director of South x Southeast Photogallery. She resides on her farm in Georgia with 4 hounds where she shoots only pictures.